Request a quote

Exclusive form for Construction Professionals and Architects

Save time in your building project

Next, complete the necessary data to prepare an estimate for the supply of reinforcing panels and meshes for our Baupanel construction system.

Once the form and your project files have been sent, we will prepare the budget and contact you shortly.

The fields with this symbol (*) are compulsory.

    Client Type: (*):

    Project Location(*):

    Check the current status of the project (*):

    Estimated date of start of work (*):

    Thermal insulation required (*):

    Aislamiento Térmico EstándarAislamiento Térmico Superior

    Please tell us the transmittance value U you require (optional):

    Select panel usage (*):

    Integral Building: Insert meassurements

    Total m2 of building:

    Number of Floors:

    Exterior enclosing (m2):

    Interior walls (m2):

    Breastplates (m2):

    Slabs between floors (m2):

    Roof (m2):

    Stairs Ramp (m2):

    ¿Do you need a swimming pool? (*):


    Describe your particular needs: (optional):

    Below, you can give us more details, so that the technicians can be more precise when sending you your budget.

    Contact Details:

    Name (*):

    Surname (*):

    Company (*):

    Province (*):


    Contact Phone (*):

    Email (*):

    (*) These fields are compulsory.

    Acepto la Política de Privacidad (*) I have read the Privacy Policy of Baupanel.